Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Relationship With My Best Friend - 1299 Words

Friendship Relationship Analysis In this paper I am going to analyze my relationship with my best friend, Joanna. We have known each other for over fifteen years, but our friendship started developing seven years ago. Even though we attend different colleges I believe our friendship will remain stable, because it has a strong foundation. My friendship with Joanna has followed the three main stages of friendship development, which includes the initial contact and acquaintanceship, casual friendship, and close and intimate friendship. I will also discuss the the popular needs my friendship serves, such as affirmation, security, utility, and stimulation, as well as the the conflict management strategies we used to handle interpersonal conflict. Joanna and I’s initial contact and acquaintanceship began at church and pre-school. We met in Sunday school when we were three years old. For eight years our relationship was a friendship of association. We were in the same pre-school clas s and went to the same church, but did not have much to do with each other outside of these activities. We never made a point to sit by or talk to each other at different school and church activities. In the first grade there was a spelling bee that all of the first grade classes attended, and Joanna was on of the participants in the spelling bee. I remember rooting for her, because we were acquaintances. I thought she was nice from the encounters we had with each other, but our relationship had notShow MoreRelatedI Am A Competent Communicator1345 Words   |  6 PagesAlthough it was important to be a competent communicator, there were numerous occasions when my communication skills with my brother and my best friend were categorized as either a linear or transactional techniques. In terms of communicating, we deeply appreciated each other because we think alike in many ways. 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